Microsoft Word for Office 365 (Desktop or Online): Part 3


Microsoft Word for Office 365 (Desktop or Online): Part 3

Word for Microsoft 365 enables you to do far more than simple word processing. Word includes advanced image manipulation tools, collaboration features, cross-referencing and linking tools, entry forms and data collection, security features, and tools to automate document production.

Being able to manipulate graphics and efficiently create, manage, revise, and distribute long documents and forms can help your organization create important and interesting documents. Implementing time-saving features that enable you to work well in a collaborative mode will benefit both you and your organization. Constructing document elements that ensure your readers have access to pertinent information at the click of a button, while at the same time protecting sensitive information, is another important skill. Mastering these skills and techniques will make you a valued employee in your organization

Note: Most Office 365 users perform the majority of their daily tasks using the desktop version of the Office software, so that is the focus of this training. The course material will also enable you to access and effectively utilize many web-based resources provided with your Office 365 subscription. Helpful notes throughout the material alert you to cases where the online version of the application may function differently from the primary, desktop version.

This course may be a useful component in your preparation for the Microsoft Word (Microsoft 365 Apps and Office 2019): Exam MO-100 and Microsoft Word Expert (Microsoft 365 Apps and Office 2019): Exam MO-101 certification exams.

This course is the third part of a three-course series that covers the skills needed to gain a foundational understanding of Word.
– Microsoft Word for Office 365 (Desktop or Online): Part 1
– Microsoft Word for Office 365 (Desktop or Online): Part 2
– Microsoft Word for Office 365 (Desktop or Online): Part 3 (this course)

Completion of this course will earn 0.6 CEUs.

Motivation Training: Motivating Your Workforce


Motivation Training: Motivating Your Workforce

It’s no secret that employees who feel they are valued and recognized for the work they do are more motivated, responsible, and productive. This course will help supervisors and managers create a more dynamic, loyal, and energized workplace. It is designed specifically to help busy managers and supervisors understand what employees want, and to give them a starting point for creating champions.

Problem Solving and Decision Making


Problem Solving and Decision Making

Many people lack the necessary skills to effectively solve problems and make decisions. Having a process in place can help with this.

Programming and Data Wrangling with VBA and Excel


Programming and Data Wrangling with VBA and Excel

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) enables you to enhance and extend the capabilities of Microsoft® Excel® and other applications in the Microsoft® 365 application suite. You can use VBA to perform tasks that would be difficult or impossible to do using only worksheet functions, and you can automate a wide range of tasks involving the collection, processing, analysis, and visualization of data. This course will give you a good foundation for understanding, creating, and using VBA in your own Excel workbooks, show you how to work with data across different applications, and how to package the macros and functions you create so you can back them up, move them to other computers, and share them with other users.

Completion of this course will earn 1.8 CEUs.

Project Management Training: Understanding Project Management


Project Management Training: Understanding Project Management

Project management isn’t just for construction engineers and military logistics experts anymore. Today, in addition to the regular duties of your job, you are often expected to take on extra assignments and to get that additional job done well, done under budget, and done on time. This course is not intended to take you from a supervisory or administrative position to that of a project manager. However, this course will familiarize you with the most common terms and the most current thinking about projects.
In this course, we will walk you through the nuts and bolts of project management, from setting priorities to controlling expenses and reporting on the results. You may still have to cope with the unexpected, but you’ll be better prepared.

Public Speaking: Presentation Survival School


Public Speaking: Presentation Survival School

This course will teach you how to manage your thoughts, body language, nervousness, and speech patterns to present yourself professionally. You’ll also learn how to present at meetings, use the five-S pattern to prepare a good presentation, and punch up your presentation with visual aids.

SharePoint Modern Experience: Site Owner with Power Platform


SharePoint Modern Experience: Site Owner with Power Platform

Microsoft® SharePoint®, in conjunction with the Microsoft 365 suite of productivity and office automation tools, provides tools to create and manage a corporate intranet, facilitate content sharing and collaboration, and enable users to create, access, store, and track documents and data in a central location. By default, SharePoint provides end users with a generous set of permissions, enabling users to create and customize their own sites as site owners, and create and collaborate on team site content. Users who have grown comfortable with these fundamental content-authoring capabilities may want to move on to more advanced features, such as connecting multiple SharePoint sites through a hub, importing list data from external sources, implementing user input validation features, applying conditional formatting, and using Power Apps® to provide custom user interfaces for data collected in SharePoint. This course focuses on issues related to planning and implementing an intranet with multiple communication sites and team sites interconnected through a hub site to provide unified navigation search, and formatting.

This course is the second part of a three-course series that covers the skills needed to gain a foundational understanding of SharePoint.
– SharePoint Modern Experience: Site Basics
– SharePoint Modern Experience: Site Owner with Power Platform (this course)
– SharePoint Modern Experience: Advanced Site Owner

Completion of this course will earn 0.6 CEUs.

SQL Querying: Advanced


SQL Querying: Advanced

In the course SQL Querying: Fundamentals, you learned the basics of SQL querying. Now that you have a foundation in how to query databases, you will learn in this course how to identify and use advanced querying techniques. In addition, you might find that you need to perform tasks such as modifying the structure of a table; inserting, updating, or deleting data; and indexing tables to optimize query performance. In this course, you will learn how to complete these tasks and more.

In today’s competitive environment, information is one of the most important factors in determining the success of an organization. If you are able to manage and retrieve information efficiently, you can streamline the organization’s processes and give it a competitive edge. As the organization grows, you will need to handle large amounts of data. Under such circumstances, you might need to query multiple tables simultaneously and with increasing frequency. You must step up the speed of generating query output to cope with the increasing demands of data storage, management, and retrieval.

This course is the second part of a two-course series that covers the skills needed to gain a foundational understanding of SQL.
– SQL Querying: Fundamentals
– SQL Querying: Advanced (this course)

Completion of this course will earn 0.6 CEUs.

SQL Querying: Fundamentals


SQL Querying: Fundamentals

Many organizations use databases to store their most critical information: the information that manages their day-to-day operations. After the data is stored in databases, however, it is useless unless you can retrieve it for further business analysis. One example of a database management system is Microsoft SQL Server 2012. The language you use to retrieve information from SQL Server 2012 databases is the Structured Query Language (SQL). This course, SQL Querying: Fundamentals, will teach you to use SQL as a tool to retrieve the information you need from databases.

This course is the first part of a two-course series that covers the skills needed to gain a foundational understanding of SQL.
– SQL Querying: Fundamentals (this course)
– SQL Querying: Advanced

Completion of this course will earn 0.6 CEUs.

Time Management


Time Management

Time is money, the saying goes, and lots of it gets lost in disorganization and disruption. We also deal with a constant barrage of technology, people, and tasks that can contribute to that disorganization. Many people find that they flit from one task to another, trying to get everything done, but often falling short. You will learn how to make the most of your time by getting a grip on your workflow and office space, using your planner effectively, and delegating some of your work to other people.

Completion of this course will earn 0.6 CEUs.