CompTIA Security+ Certification Prep Course and eLearning bundle


CompTIA is a not-for-profit trade association with the purpose of advancing the interests of IT professionals and IT channel organizations and its industry-leading IT certifications are an important part of that mission. CompTIA’s Security+ certification is a foundation-level certificate designed for IT administrators with two years’ experience whose job role is focused on system security.

The CompTIA Security+ exam will certify the successful candidate has the knowledge and skills required to install and configure systems to secure applications, networks, and devices; perform threat analysis and respond with appropriate mitigation techniques; participate in risk mitigation activities; and operate with an awareness of applicable policies, laws, and regulations.

The Official CompTIA® Security+® (Exam SY0-501): 2019 Update is the primary course you will need to take if your job responsibilities include securing network services, devices, and traffic in your organization. You can also take this course to prepare for the CompTIA Security+ (Exam SY0-501) certification examination. In this course, you will build on your knowledge of and professional experience with security fundamentals, networks, and organizational security as you acquire the specific skills required to implement basic security services on any type of computer network.

This course can benefit you in two ways. If you intend to pass the CompTIA Security+ (Exam SY0-501) certification examination, this course can be a significant part of your preparation. But certification is not the only key to professional success in the field of computer security. Today’s job market demands individuals with demonstrable skills, and the information and activities in this course can help you build your computer security skill set so that you can confidently perform your duties in any security-related role.

• Exclusive add-on included: (eLearning bundle) Online access to practice labs and practice tests to help you pass your exam!

Get Going With QuickBooks 2018 for Windows


Get Going With QuickBooks 2018 for Windows

Course Description

You can successfully complete this course without any prior software knowledge or computer experience. A basic understanding of the computer operating system you are using is recommended.

Delivery Method:
Instructor-led, self-paced, classroom-delivery learning model with structured hands-on activities.

First-time QuickBooks users will learn the basic features of the software. Experienced QuickBooks users will quickly learn the new features and functionality of QuickBooks 2018.

Completion of this course will earn 0.575 CEUs.

Get Smart with QuickBooks 2022 for Windows


This course covers features that are in QuickBooks Pro and Premier 2022.
QuickBooks software is sold separately.

Prerequisites: You can successfully complete this course without any prior software knowledge or computer experience. A basic understanding of the computer operating system you are using is recommended.
Benefits: First-time QuickBooks users will learn the basic features of the software. Experienced QuickBooks users will quickly learn the new features and functionality of QuickBooks 2022.

Completion of this course will earn 1.2 CEUs.

Get Started with QuickBooks Online 2021-2022


Get Started with QuickBooks Online 2021-2022

In this textbook, learners will be introduced to Intuit’s cloud accounting software program, QuickBooks Online (QBO). Using a fictitious company called Luxury Lodging, Inc, students will learn how to navigate the QBO interface. We cover basic accounting, how to set up a new company, how to customize the chart of accounts and products and services list. In addition, students will learn how to give other users, such as accountants access to their data. In the sales center chapter, students will learn how to invoice customers and stay on top of accounts receivable balances. In the vendor center chapter, students will learn how to
enter bills and expenses from vendors as well as stay on top of the accounts payable balances. The final chapter in the textbook is a final project that encompasses the key topics covered in this course. Refer to the table of contents below for a detailed list of topics covered in this textbook.

Completion of this course will earn 1.2 CEUs.

Master Intuit QuickBooks Online: from Setup to Tax Time


Master Intuit QuickBooks Online: from Setup to Tax Time

Completion of this course will earn 0.575 CEUs.