Conflict Resolution: Getting Along in the Workplace
Many people see conflict as a negative experience. In fact, conflict is a necessary part of our personal growth and development. Think of when you were trying to choose your major in college, for example, or trying to decide between two jobs. However, conflict becomes an issue when the people involved cannot work through it. They become engaged in a battle that does not result in growth. When this type of conflict arises, negative energy can result, causing hurt feelings and damaged relationships. This course will give you the tools that will help you resolve conflict successfully and produce a win- win outcome.
Completion of this course will earn 7.5 CPEs.
- • Dates: Jan 24, 2025
- • Times: 9:00 am - 4:30 pm (EST)
- • Location: Virtual
- • Seats: 10
- • Price: $395
Learning Objectives
– Understand what conflict is and how it can escalate
– Understand the types of conflict and the stages of conflict
– Recognize the five most common conflict resolution styles and when to use them
– Increase positive information flow through non-verbal and verbal communication skills
– Develop effective techniques for intervention strategies
– Become more confident of your ability to manage conflicts to enhance productivity and performance
Session 1: Course Overview
- Learning Objectives
- Pre-Assignment: A Conflict Effectiveness
- Benchmark
- Pre-Course Assessment
Session 2: Defining Conflict
- Defining Conflict
- Assumptions
- Positives and Negatives
Session 3: Types of Conflict
- Types of Conflict
- Inner Conflict
- Interpersonal Conflict
- Group Conflict
Session 4: Open Conflict vs. Hidden
- Conflict
- Dealing with Conflict
- Open Conflict
- Hidden Conflict
Session 5: Spontaneous and Reflective
- Behavior
- Spontaneous and Reflective Behavior
- Exploring Behaviors
Session 6: The Johari Window
- Understanding the Johari Window
- Self-Disclosure with the Johari Window
- My Window
- Case Study: Spontaneous and Reflective Behaviors
Session 7: Stages of Conflict
- The Five Stages of Conflict
- Latent Conflict
- Perceived Conflict
- Felt Conflict
- Manifest Conflict
- Conflict Aftermath
- Conclusion
- Another Version of the Conflict Process
- Stage 1: Mild Difference
- Stage 2: Disagreement
- Stage 3: Dispute
- Stage 4: Campaign
- Stage 5: Litigation
- Stage 6: Fight and/or War
- Conflict Outcomes
- Win-Lose
- Win-Win
- Strategies for Dealing with Conflict
- Win/Lose Strategy
- Lose/Lose Strategy
- Results of Win/Lose and Lose/Lose Strategies
- Win/Win Strategy
Session 8: Creating the Win/Win
- Case Study
- Instructions
Session 9: Conflict Resolution Style
- Questionnaire
- Score Sheet
- The Conflict Grid
- Pros and Cons
- Authoritative Command/Competitive Smoothing
- Compromising
- Problem-Solving
Session 10: The Role of Communication in Conflict Resolution
- Conflict Resolution
- The Communication Chain
- Speaker’s Words
- Speaker’s Facial Expressions
- Speaker’s Tone of Voice
- Other Body Language
- Other Barriers
- Paradigms
- Education
- Assumptions
- Establishing Positive Intent
- Making Connections
- Accepting Differences
Session 11: Active Listening Skills
- Active Listening Skills
- Responding to Feelings
- Reading Cues
- Demonstration Cues
- Tips for Becoming a Better Listener
Session 12: Paraphrasing Skills
- What Is Paraphrasing?
- Case Study
- Summary Questions
- Making Connections
Session 13: Powerful Questions
- Asking Questions
- Open Questions
- Handy Questions
- Making Connections
- Probing Techniques
Session 14: Body Language
- Body Language Basics
- Making Connections
Session 15: Pre-Assignment Review
- Pre-Assignment Review
Session 16: The Conflict/Opportunity Test
- The Conflict/Opportunity Test
- Skills Test
- Situation Two
- Situation Three
- Situation Four
Session 17: Conflict and Its Resolution
- Visualizing Conflict
- Conflict Resolution Process
- Assumptions when Using the Conflict Resolution Process
- Hands-On Steps
- Template
- A Strategy for Conflict Resolution
- Phase Two: Identify the Common Goal (Use Color 2)
- Phase Three: Identify and Rate Underlying Needs (Use Color 3)
- Phase Four: Explore Assumptions (Use Color 4)
- Phase Five: Brainstorm Solutions and Choose One (Color 5)
Session 18: Helping Others Through Conflict
- Preparing for Conflict
- Preparation Tips
- Conflict Resolution with Facilitation
- Give It a Name
- Check for Agreement
- Avoid Process Battles
- Echo
- Keep the Group on Track
- Hold Them to Their Word
- Encourage and Compliment
- Deal With/Accept/Legitimize/Defer
- Don’t Be Defensive
- Use Your Body Language
- Keep It Simple
- Setting Norms
- Sample Norms
- Using Norms
- Sample Survey
- Coaching Through Conflict
- Competing Issues
- Managing Your Emotions
- The Positive Effect
- Fifteen Steps for Dealing with Upset People
- Five Tips for Dealing with Difficult People
- Six Steps for Dealing with Angry People
Session 19: A Personal Action Plan
- Starting Point
- Short-Term Goals and Rewards
- Long-Term Goals